Įskorun til Bloggara (10) Įrangur!

Bréf mitt į ensku sem ég (įsamt fleirum) hef undanfariš sent hinum og žessum fréttastofum śti ķ heimi eins og Reuters, Cnn CNBC og fullt af fréttavefum ķ Fęreyjum, Noregi og Svķžjóš viršist vera aš bera einhvern įrangur!
Auking hefur veriš ķ umfjöllum um Ķsland ķ fréttamišlum śti ķ heimi frį žvķ aš bankahruniš var.
Tilgangurinn meš įskoruninni var mešal annars sś aš halda blašamönnum į fréttamišlum śti ķ heimi (og öšru fólki į forums) vakandi og mešvirkt um stöšu Ķslands. Halda žeim viš efniš.  Aš halda įfram aš fjalla um Rķkisstjórnina og peningamennina sem settu landiš ķ žį stöšu sem žaš er ķ.
Aš lesa ķ stöšuna meš įlyktun og athygli! 
 Rökrétt er aš ętla aš Rķkisstjórnin og peningamenn hafi vonaš aš  ašeins ķ fyrstunni yrši fjallaš eittkvaš um žaš sem geršist į Ķslandi ķ Október og sķšan mundi žaš smįm saman dofna og minnka.
 Höldum įfram aš gera fréttamenn į erlendum fréttamišlum vakandi um ašgeršir Rķkisstjórnar! Žaš mį gera meš aš vekja athygli fréttastofa meš žvķ aš senda klausur og efni śr ķslenskum fréttamišlum, įsamt žvķ aš senda eigin bréf.
Žaš er samt svo aš ég vonast eftir (öšrum) og meiri įrangri af bréfinu! Vonast aš sį įrangur berist fljótlega!
Lesiš grein ķ Fréttablašinu bls. 26 mįnudaginn 29. desember>
Iceland= ķ djśpum skķt
 Ķsland er aš troša sér inn ķ mįlvitund erlendra blašamanna
*****Bréfiš aftur*****
The Icelandic Government is the most unpopular government since the Icelandic democracy started in 1944.

The majority of the Icelandic public is against its government. Each and every week and many times a week, a large group of protestors meet in front of the Icelandic parliament to protest. They are protesting what the government is not going to do and what they are going to do to revive Iceland out of the financial crisis.

We the protesters and protesters on the Blogs want to expose the mistrust in the government by writing to news agents and newspapers and peaceful people around the World. Many times we have demanded the resignation of our government, yet they decline to do so.

Icelandic protesters have not been aggressive through history when feeling a strong need to protest. Our Country is known to be one of the most peaceful nations in the World. Therefore it is doubtful that there will be a revolution in our Country. But still we are at the brink of more aggressiveness against the government and who knows what might happen early next year?

It is safe to assume there would already have been a revolution in some other countries if they were in a similar situation like we are in now.

We Icelanders, the people, a majority which is against its government; call for support from peaceful minded people from around the whole World. 


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