Įskorun til Bloggara į móti Rķkisstjórn framhald nżtt bréf į ensku (5)

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Draft fyrir nešan var leišrétt, žrjįr villur og eftir žaš sent į forums hjį Evening Standard. Fleiri stašir koma inn.

The icelandic Government is the most unpopular government since the icelandic democracy started in 1944. 

The majority of the icelandic public is against our government. Each and every week and many times in a week large group of protestors  meet in front of the icelandic parliament to protest. Protest of what the government is not going to do and what they are going to do to revive Iceland out of the financial crisis.

We protesters and protesters on the Blogs want to expose the mistrust in the government by writing to newsagents and newspapers and peaceful people around the World. Many times we have demanded the resignation of our government yet they decline to do so. 

Icelandic protesters have not been agressive through time when feeling the strong need to protest. Our Country is known to be one of the most peaseful nation in the World. Therefore it is in doubt there will be a revolution in our Country. But still we are at the brink of more aggressiveness against the government and who knows what might happen early next year?

 It is save to assume there would already have been  Revolutions in some other Countries in similar situation like we are now.

We Icelanders, the people, the majority against our government call for support from peaceful minded people from around the whole World. 

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1 Smįmynd: Ingibjörg SoS


Ętlaši aš vera sofnuš fyrir löngu, en bara varš aš senda inn fęrslu sem tengist žessu framtaki žķnu. Er aš bögglast viš aš setja slóš inn į sķšuna žķna. Žetta tekst allt į endanum


Ingibjörg SoS, 12.12.2008 kl. 02:59

2 Smįmynd: Jóna Kolbrśn Garšarsdóttir

Ég fann eina stafsetningarvillu ķ textanum peaseful į alveg örugglega aš vera peaceful.  Flott framtak hjį žér.  Burt meš spillingarlišiš.

Jóna Kolbrśn Garšarsdóttir, 12.12.2008 kl. 03:33

3 Smįmynd: Jóna Kolbrśn Garšarsdóttir

 "Our Country is known to be one of the most peaseful nation in the World. "Žarna er villan

Jóna Kolbrśn Garšarsdóttir, 12.12.2008 kl. 03:36

4 Smįmynd: Strķša

 Flott hjį žér. Sendu žetta śt. Ég er góš ķ ensku, lagaši nokkrar villur...Notašu žetta ef žś vilt

The Icelandic Government is the most unpopular government since the Icelandic democracy started in 1944.

The majority of the Icelandic public is against its government. Each and every week and many times a week, a large group of protestors  meet in front of the Icelandic parliament to protest. They are protesting what the government is not going to do and what they are going to do to revive Iceland out of the financial crisis.

We the protesters and protesters on the Blogs want to expose the mistrust in the government by writing to news agents and newspapers and peaceful people around the World. Many times we have demanded the resignation of our government, yet they decline to do so.

Icelandic protesters have not been aggressive through history when feeling a strong need to protest. Our Country is known to be one of the most peaceful nations in the World. Therefore it is doubtful that there will be a revolution in our Country. But still we are at the brink of more aggressiveness against the government and who knows what might happen early next year?

 It is safe to assume there would already have been  a revolution in some other countries if they were in a similar situation like we are in now.

We Icelanders, the people, a majority which is against its government; call for support from peaceful minded people from around the whole World. 

Strķša, 12.12.2008 kl. 06:07

5 Smįmynd: Gušni Karl Haršarson

Peaceful it is

Ég vissi af villunum og bréfiš sem ég var bśinn aš senda eftir mišnętti į einn staš var smį leišrétt og sett peaceful m.a. inn Nś er ég aš ganga ķ aš  finna fleiri slóšir! Noregur, Svķžjóš, Žżskaland, Canada, USA, New Sealan, Įstralķa og fleiri.

Gušni Karl Haršarson, 12.12.2008 kl. 14:06

6 Smįmynd: Gušni Karl Haršarson

Strķša. Žakka žér kęrlega sem žś leišréttir. Ég mun nota žetta bréf til aš senda. Ég ętla aš nota tękifęriš aš spyrja žig um hvort žś vitir um einhvern sem vill senda bréf lķka?

Nś fer sko boltinn aš rślla!

Gušni Karl Haršarson, 12.12.2008 kl. 14:28

7 Smįmynd: Gušni Karl Haršarson

Frįbęrt vęri aš ef žiš settuš slóš inn į sķšurnar ykkar eša gjöriš žetta kunnugt

Kęrar žakkir, Gušni

Gušni Karl Haršarson, 12.12.2008 kl. 14:30

8 Smįmynd: Heidi Strand

Er bśin aš senda žetta į nettavisen.no og VG i Noregi.

Heidi Strand, 12.12.2008 kl. 14:38

9 Smįmynd: Gušni Karl Haršarson

Heidi Strand žakka žér kęrlega fyrir. Frįbęrt

Snjóboltinn rśllar

Gušni Karl Haršarson, 12.12.2008 kl. 14:41

10 Smįmynd: Gušni Karl Haršarson

Kona sem ég kannast viš ętlar aš bišja dóttur sķna aš senda bréfiš į Įstralķu. Dóttir hennar er ķ heimsókn hér en bżr śt ķ Įstralķu.

Gušni Karl Haršarson, 12.12.2008 kl. 16:19

11 Smįmynd: Gušni Karl Haršarson

Einar hér eru slóšir. Veldu žér staši eša staš til aš senda žitt bréf į. Ég mun koma meš fleiri į morgun. Er aš skreppa ķ Bió Hins vegar eru žetta fréttablöš en ekki Blogg. Kannski hęgt aš kķkja į Bloggin og skrifa žar?


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og email: okonomi@bt.no


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 kannski: 2200@vg.no




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Gušni Karl Haršarson, 12.12.2008 kl. 21:18

12 Smįmynd: Heidi Strand

Ég sendi į fleiri um helgina.

Heidi Strand, 12.12.2008 kl. 23:13

13 Smįmynd: Gušni Karl Haršarson

Flott Heidi. Žakka žér fyrir stušninginn

Kęr kvešja,


Gušni Karl Haršarson, 13.12.2008 kl. 02:17

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