Stuttpunktar um ekki ESB eša EURO nr. 3

 Nr. 3 žann 3. Mai 2009 klukkan 16:30

Ķ grein ķ Financial Times žann 28 Aprķl kom mešal annars žetta fram:

Both the European Commission and the European Central Bank have made it clear that a country cannot adopt the euro without being a full EU member. Joining the eurozone would be a long and painful process. Iceland would have to observe the Maastricht criteria governing inflation, debt and deficits, plus long-term interest rates and exchange-rate stability. It would not be an alternative to the current austerity.


sķšan*****frį mér*****

Žetta er lykilatriši! Both the European Commission and the European Central Bank have made it clear that a country cannot adopt the euro without being a full EU member. 

En žessir menn vilja taka upp EURO? Ha?

Sķšan fór ég aš leita og žį er žetta sem eru kröfunar:

Hér eru kröfunar sem žarf aš męta til aš geta gengiš inn ķ EMU. Tekiš śr Maastrict samningnum.

In order to join the EMU, nations must meet most of the following criteria.
1. inflation -- cannot be higher than 1 1/2% of the average inflation rate of the three countries with the lowest individual rates.

2. long term interest rates -- cannot be higher than 2% of the average rates of the three countries with the lowest individual rates.

3. exchange rates -- countries must join the European Monetary System (EMS) and join an exchange rate band with other countries. These bands lock nations' monetary exchange rates to one another with only a fluctuation of +/- 2.5%. To meet the Maastricht criteria, a country must be a member of the EMS for at least two years.

4. Debt:GDP ratio -- to determine a country's actual national debt, divide the debt by the gross domestic product (gdp). To join Maastricht, governments cannot have a national debt greater than 60% of their gdp.

5. Deficit:GDP ratio -- to determine a country's actual deficit, divide the debt by the gdp. Under Maastricht, governments' deficit must be equal to or less than 3%.

Hvernig er stašan ķ žessu nśna?

um nr. 4. Mig rekur ķ minni aš Debt:GDP ratio sé einhversstašar um og yfir 66% eins og stašan er nśna. En žetta atriši žarf mjög vel aš skoša! En žarf aš skoša žaš nįnar inn į Hagstofunni.

Hvaša kjaftęši er žetta eiginlega? Į Ķsland einhvern möguleika aš ganga ķ EU eša aš taka upp Euro eins og stašan er ķ dag? Ętla žeir žessir ESB ęsingamenn aš gera žannig samning aš eiga einhvern möguleika meš skįrri stöšu Ķslands žegar aš žaš kęmi aš inngöngu? Žannig aš öllum žessum 5 atrišum verši bśiš aš męta?

Sjįiš žiš žetta ekki? Mįliš er aš fyrst žarf aš uppfylla žessi 5 atriši til aš taka upp Evruna. En til aš taka upp Evruna žarf fyrst vera bśiš aš ganga ķ ESB! Hverslags hringlanda vitleysa er žetta eiginlega?

Ķslendingar hafa gefiš žaš upp vilja taka upp EVRU! Fyrst žetta er svona er žį nokkur möguleiki aš nį einhverjum ESB samningum fyrr en landiš er bśiš aš rétta sig af? Eša ętlar Ķsland sér inn ķ ESB meš žessi öll 5 atriši óśtkljįš og stöšu žeirra ķ mķnus (vegna Evru yfirlżsingar), įn tillit til žess hvort žaš vęri EMU eša ESB? Sérstaklega žegar aš žaš er bśiš aš gefa upp aš GDP staša haldi įfram aš falla og Evrópumarkašurinn sé į mikilli nišurleiš?


mķn skošun: Ég er bśinn aš komast aš žvķ aš sumir ķslenskir stjórnmįlamenn eru vangęfta: hafa mikiš og tilfinnanlegt bjargarleysi og žora ekki aš takast į viš žann vanda sem (jafnvel) sumir žeirra meš tengslum hafa komiš žjóšinni ķ!

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