The Modus Operandi of the icelandic Government

Eftirfarandi veršur sent fréttastofum śti ķ heimi fyrst til Reuter: 

athugiš aš žetta er uppkast sem varš leišrétt og breytt įšur en sent var. Villuleišrétting og ašeins breytt oršalag.

Opinion of an icelandic protestant:

Let it be known to the World that the Government of Iceland has made an "Modus Operandi" against the icelandic people and our nation.

Our Country; Iceland has been one of the most peaseful nations of the World. It simply is not in our nature to protest with much aggression. Therfore the probability of a revolution in Iceland is nearly nil.

The Goverment of Iceland is keeping the people of Iceland in political ideal prison amongst our daily lives. We are constantly deprived of our rights to exercise our right for new ideas on how to revive the Country out of the economy collapse. I.e. we are perversely denied our rights to vote for a new government.

Let it be known to the World that it was the political ideas of one of the two parties in the government that started the outflow of the Money minded persons in the icelandic Banks wich concluded to the economy collapse in Iceland today, about 17 1/2 years later. 

The Goverment of Iceland is denying the continuing people requests  to leave command and denying us our rights to prepare to vote for a new Government, despite the excess continuity of  the people protests since the collapse of the icelandic Banks and the economy of Iceland.

 They deny to leave command despite the Country is in very high turmoil and the probability of Iceland becoming bankruptcy is very high.

Gudni Karl Hardarson




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1 identicon

Jį žetta veršur örugglega til aš bęta įlit śtlendinga į okkur. Flott hjį žér!

Jon Sigm. (IP-tala skrįš) 10.12.2008 kl. 02:25

2 Smįmynd: Gušni Karl Haršarson

Helduršu virkilega aš viš höfum įlit į žvķ nś hvernig śtlendingar hugsa um okkur nś? Žegar aš ašal mįliš er aš koma žessari Rķkisstjórn frį? Ef okkur tekst aš vekja athygli heimsins į hvaš gengur į meš mótmęlin og aš hvernig Rķksstjórnin neitar okkur aš fara frį!

Ef okkur Ķslendingum tekst aš vekja athygli heimsins į stöšu okkar nś og okkur tekst farsęllega aš aš losa okkur śt śr efnahags hruninu ķ framtķšinni, žį mun įlit okkar breytast jįkvętt til muna ķ framtķšinni!

Gušni Karl Haršarson, 10.12.2008 kl. 02:37

3 identicon

Žaš er bara ekki raunhęft aš boša til kosninga nś. Žaš gęti aldrei veriš fyrr en ķ fyrsta lagi ķ vor.

Jon Sigm. (IP-tala skrįš) 10.12.2008 kl. 03:28

4 identicon

Lįttu einhvern fara yfir textann hjį žér....Bad English means Bad Business!

Mrs. Nitpicker (IP-tala skrįš) 10.12.2008 kl. 03:52

5 Smįmynd: Gušni Karl Haršarson

Heyršu Mrs. Nitpicker

Textinn hjį mér er allt ķ lagi og skylst alveg. Kannski eitt til tvö orš sem mętti leišrétta eša kannski nišurröšun oršalags en sum oršin nota ég frekar en önnur:

eins og: command ķ stašinn fyrir resign office og er žaš vegna ešlis bréfsins og hvernig Rķkisstjórnin er.

En blessuš vertu ekki vera aš leišrétta mig žvķ žetta er žegar fariš!

Gušni Karl Haršarson, 10.12.2008 kl. 14:17

6 identicon

Flott hjį Žér Gott Framtak

Ég fyllist stolti žegar Menn er Menn


Ęsir (IP-tala skrįš) 10.12.2008 kl. 15:26

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